John Lennon Dreamsite Guestbook


Long LIVE The BEATLES....Long Live John Lennon...........

Mark Garcia

I'm still miss ya John, right now the tears fallin for you. I love you.


What's the wonderful wolrd ? We must imagine it all together.

Sebastien Hutin

I am a young bassist/guitarist . I am 10 years old and my dad and I collect Beatles records . Iwant to be just like Jhon when I grow up!

Ernesto Najera 

"John knows we love him still...will we wait a lonely life time?...if John want we to, WE him forever...and hIm with all our him whenever we are him when we're apart....."

Giulio from Turin

You have a wonderful Lennon site, very extensive. John was a visionary. His music has changed the world.

Brian Joseph

Caro, caro amatissimo John....le tue stupende note hanno fatto da colonna sonora alla mia unica e preziosa storia d'amore che sto vivendo con il mio Nicholas... johnny la mia vita senza di te sarebbe stata sicuramnete piu arida e priva di quel brivido che solo la tua voce mi sà dare... ho 22 anni, non ho mai assisisto ad un tuo concerto nè ti ho mai visto di persona eppure il destino ha voluto che tu fossi la mia voce-guida... mi manchi


Thank you so very much for having this be at all. May God richly keep you and bless you! We all miss John very much, and will always hold him next to us.

Linda Martin

I was not alive to experience his great talents but I have heard his music and read all I can about him.
All I can say is that he was a great great man

Stephen Pifher

John I will always love you and your music...would be be pleased at what the generations of love and peace have brought to your name?  Or sickened by what has transpired in your absence?  Have we truely given Peace a chance. Your music is an inspiration that will live on  forever Thank You.

Cindi Miner

EL MEJOR. Un animal... increiblemente metafórico... tan incanzable, tan comparable... tan él.


What the world needs now is simple, Love,Peace and Imagination!!!!
We can just stop and wonder what if john was still around today.
Like John Said " We just have to carry on "


John was before my time ...  and ahead for his...

Steve Longley

thats gear.

Ringo Starr


Hey Brother...
Where Are You?
Please, Come To The Earth Again.
We miss you.
Jai GuruDeva Om...

Sanjay of Buenos Aires, Argentina

WOW  what a coincidence... biggest Beatle Fan on earth here. 
was looking for something unrelated to the Beatles. Trying to find the words to the song, "Let There Be Peace On Earth"  This was the first site on the list.  John's impacat on the world never stops amazing me.

Mary Ann

John lennon was a truley brilliant man ,who wanted the best for everybody .the world would be a better place with more people like this.


Ho trovato un volto più bello di quanto potessi immaginare.. l'ho amato subito, dall'età di cinque anni, ora  ne ho 26.. le sue parole, la sua musica mi hanno aiutato nei momenti più difficili . Porto avanti la mia vita a fatica, sento dentro di me un grande vuoto. Cercavo negli altri qualcosa di lui. Lui che ora brilla come una stella e illumina le nostre serate buie.. però.......
...mi manchi tanto John...
Con amore


I was in high school in 1964 when the Beatles came to the United States. I almost wore out my 45 of I WANT TO HOLD YOUR HAND. I own records and memorabilia of our wonderful Beatles. I have a music box that has the Beatles in Sgt. Pepper costumes as it plays the song. I was shocked when the Beatles broke up, and heartbroken when John was assinated. It is among the events in my life that I remember where I was. My husband and I were home when it was announced on TV. We cried all night, and the house was dark and silent, except for our weeping. We prayed for Yoko and Sean and Julian, and our prayers continue. I couldn't imagine anyone who would want to hurt John. We know he lives on, and we are striving for world peace. His music continues to touch generations and will continue past the end of time. We all miss him so very very much, and now our beloved George has joined him in paradise. Incredible musicians, incredible men of peace and love. We must continue to work for world peace. it can be done. Give Peace a Chance. Love, Judy Bascue, Camarillo, California USA.  

Judy Bascue

This is one of the best sites I have found about John Lennon. I have recently been really interested in his ideas and how he lived his life and everything. John is definetly one of my favorite role models and icons of all time. Thank you for the website.


John was a great singer and a very fine(and I mean hot)man!


I´m 15 and I love the Beatles
I know all about them
they was sooooo cool
I´m a bit late but,.... :-D


Hello I'm french (sorry for my english...)
I'm 15 years old and I just wanted to say that I love john so much and I think he made my life better so thanks for this page 'cause it's very good.
John Lennon was a fantastic man and he learnt us so much... you'll always live in my heart


My dad has listened to the Beatles since I was born and because of that I have. I love John Lennon's songs and all his beliefs. He's one awesome guy.

Gloria Mercer

I grew up listening to John Lennon, and the Beatles.Mr. Lennon reminds me of something out of the Bible.I trust that he is rock& rollen in the sky. Truely, may peace be the chance. Well, I have to get ready for this class at the Moody Bible Institute, and I'll be thinkin about what the Lord said ' Peace be unto yaw'll. I pray that I see Heaven's rock&rollers with the Lord in the Messianic Kingdom.

Joshua Anstett

I am brazilian and i just want to congratulation u because this webpage is really great...And let´s keep spreding peace all over the world
Eu sou brasilera e so quero parabenizar voces por esse site que é maravilhoso....E vamos continuar espalhando a paz pelo mundo


I adore this site!  I just love John Lennon as well. This must be a new site, I haven't seen this one before.....

Great job!


He said what's in our hearts if only we would give ourselves a chance.
Always loving lennon


I love John Lennon and the beatles they are the best group of all time and I will always think that, no matter what anybody says to me, thats all

Sodu Curtis



im a 46 year old guy that never gets enough of johns music. miss him dearly & someday will get to see him again. bless all of johns family forever. 
i got to go to a art display of his in tulsa oklahoma some years ago. great show. is there any place to buy some of his art ? i luv that drawing on the imagine cover.


I love your website! I'm a big John Lennon fan!
I mean, just tommorow I have a biography report due and we have to dress up as our person and I'm doing John Lennon! I'm also an aspiring young song writer and it is my dream to write like he did. but hey, imagine that.

Anya Melzer

What beautiful photos of John in his life on earth. Your spirit is so close to us of all.


This is a excellent site on John Lennon. About four months ago I started 
listening to the Beatles and I absolutly love them now. I have also been 
reading a lot on John Lennon's life and his viewpoints. It is so sad that he died though. I would think that if he was alive even today he would be a great influence to our younger generation. Thanks a lot for the website.


I'm proof that John Lennon has touched people of all ages.(14 years old.) Thank God for him, he gave us hope and saved our lives. We will remember you John. God Bless John Lennon.


I have just recently discovered the awesome joys of John Lennon's music. I was carrying on with my life listening to all my other music; one day I came across my dad's cd colection and thought, "what the heck". Found Lennon. Now I can't imagine my music life without him. My favourite right now is #9 Dream. His music takes me away.
Thanks for the site guys. 


I can not believe that somebody would murder a peace leader. Here John is, saying "give peace a chance" and somebody completely demolishes it. I, too, hope that the world can live as one and everybody would love each other. LONG LIVE JOHN LENNON!
great website, by the way!


I think this page is excellent, I really like it. I love john lennon and I always have for as long as I can remember, he was always my favourite beatle. Still is and even though he isn't here now living and breathing with the rest of us, we've still got loads of wonderful memories of him and his music. I hope that he has found peace at last.xx

christina mulholland

After more than 40 years waiting for something like this, 
now it's good to be here... 
Shalom to everybody

Emilio Trespando, HABANA



Im a fanatic of john I love him, I would like to thank you for this page because is a relly good one and let people to express their feelings.

Maria Eugenia

GRACIES JOHN !  MOLTES GRACIES !! Per tot el que ens has donat. La teva musica, el teu missatge i el teu amor a tot i tothom.
Molta gent seguirem lluitant per que aquest mon sigui millor.

Josep Roig Boada

John Lennon is "PURE LIGHT", his soul will always,my love for him...

Rosanna Martini

Greatly missed, NEVER forgotten. John remains in my heart always.
Beatles forever.


I have totally changed my way of thinking by listening to his songs. John Lennon is the best! He is here, now, with us, supporting the people and still imagining a world of peace for us. This web page really shows what a great men Lennon was, keep it up!

Adela Gonzales

dear john, you made my life more complete!

cess van dorst

Hey there!
I just wanted to say that I LOVE your John Lennon site. It's a perfect site for a die hard John Lennon fan, like myself!


I so much love this site and i will keep it on .

Nonso E.Progress

John Lennon is the best!!!!!
I have called my son for John, and we well not forget 
The Beatles and John and George

Søren Møller

john lennon is the man and will always live on in my heart


Hello, my name is Oskar. Im 15 years old. Living in Sweden.. ( exuse my bad english )
I would do anything, just anything to meet John and talk to him.
I see him as the nicest guy on the world..
:'( just love the song " Imagine " it's the nicest song in the world.
 // oskar

Oskar Bengtsson

John Lennon ROX my socks LOL


This is a really good website. I really think the quote section portrays what John Lennon was, escpecially after The Beatles broke up.


Hello. John Lennon has given me something I didn't have before. Respect for all people, no matter if they are as rich as kings or as poor as thieves. All the kids at school say they hate John Lennon just to make me mad, but I just say Peace and walk away. He was a great man and didn't deserve to be murdered. God Bless John Lennon.


Stavo navigando così per caso ed ho incontrato questo sito...
complimenti...è ricco di immagini e di notizie...veramente interessante..
Sono una beatlesiana da ormai 12 anni...ed ogni giono che passa mi sento sempre + vicina e legata a loro ed alla loro mi ha accompagnata,guidata nella maggior parte dei momenti della mia vita...brutti,belli...non importa...c'erano loro con me..i mitici fab...un mito per sempre...un segno incancellabile,indelebile nel mio cuore ed in quello di tanta altra gente che la pensa come me!
Kisses for you all!
beatles 4ever,here,there and everywhere!!!!
Dony from Taranto (ITALY)


I would Just lke to say this is a fantastic site! 
John is my hero always will be. 
I have been brought up on his music and know that I am pregnant with a boy I feel that there is only one name that I can give him, Lennon. I am facing single motherhood and although I m scared I have found great comfort in John's songs and cant wait to introduce my little boy to his namesake's music and hope it shapes his future and I pray he'll live with peace and love which I'll show him through John's music
Till I get to meet you John
peace and love to you love Lucy and (Lennon!due 18.3.2005)

Lucy Hurst

If it's true what they say that you are not dead as long as you are remembered then John lives on in us and this site. Bless you for it.


John Lennon touches all generations. He will live forever!!

Hajnalka Szucs

First and utmost I would like to thank all of the fans who gave up their time and effort for such a worthy cause as peace. We all must think of others,how they feel this is important to humanity. "All we are is all we are" The only way to peace in this universe is  to think of others that is  the holy secret of the Gods after all who is most important . You or The human race,it becomes simple when you think of it this way. KEEP on


Lennon once said "If everyone asked for peace for Christmas instead of a new television set, we'd have it." Im not askin for you to give up your Xmas pressies, just to sign the petition for peace... lets give it a try.

Freya Austin

This was buy far the best webbsite that I have ever been to that deals with John Lennon. He was a great man, and deserves a page like this. I love the maker of this page


I'm a fan of John Lennon for all he did in his short life. I admire him for what he tried to say to world about peace and love. This is a great site! Keep the good work up. Long Live John Lennon!!

Sara Argueta

Probably the greatest and the most ambitious Beatles/ John Lennon site ever. I love everything of why this Dreamsite existed. Live, Love, Believe!

Jon Roz

I first started listening to john lennon when i became a beatles fan. that grew, and i found out what a brilliant person he was. he was able to take the world into a perspective that no one else could at that time. that i s why i think he was persicuted. john lennon was a brilliant human being. i think there should be more websites like this honoring him.

Tristen Mudd

John Lennon has made a impact on my life and i have changed for the better. i was all into being a rebel and start fights, and i was never happy with it to tell you the truth. All i really wanted was love and peace, but john taught me to only recive love you have to give it. Because all you need is love. even if i was veary young when he died i think john lives in eveyone and will always be in our hearts. He showed me life and what it really feels to be happy. Thank you John you saved my life.

marley R.

Hi, I am a huge beatles fan + John Lennon fan loved his great humour. I have seen all the beatles movies I love all there songs, come together Imagine, Revolution, Ballad of John+Yoko, Straberry Fields

Paul Cross

John Lennon will never be forgotton. Even if I was'nt around when he died, he has touched me so much and made me think.....think about life...and think about how important it is to spend every day loving and living it, in peace and harmony. Like John says "all you need is love and peace, baby" ..."imagine no possesions i wonder if you can, no need for greed or hunger a brotherhood of man, imagine the people sharing all of the world." we love you John and will  always be in our hearts forever......peace....keep it alive.


I've always loved listening to the Beatles, and I always thought that Paul was the best, but as I've gotten older I have realized that it was John who had me. If you really take the time to listen to his words he had some great thoughts.  My favorite is Imagine! Thanks for listening.

Debbie Gilmour

Excellent work from a talented and intelligent woman!

Ben Kenney

Lennon lives.....


I love John Lennon even more now. I have always loved him. Even when I was 9. That was when I started getting into The Beatles. John was and always will be my favorite guy. He was such a beautiful man.

Lena Allen

I love John so much his song Imagine touches my heart. I think he is great and he still is

Veronica Narro

This is really a dreamsite!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!


I got into The Beatles when I was 10 thanks to an lp and a couple of cassettes my parents had, which resulted in me getting all of their studio albums on cassette (before the appearance of cd's). I liked John's style of guitar playing and the sound of his voice and his lyrics more than the stuff the others in the band did both during and after they broke up, and he and George in particular influenced me as a guitar player and got me interested in social and spiritual issues too, and I hope to be a success in music one day and pass on their influence, especially John's.
Having said that, I'd like to point out to all the people praising the song "Imagine" to the exclusion of others come off as just a little fake. It seems like they're holding on to an ideal vision of John instead of the final 1980 Lennon, who had grown up past ripping off poems by Yoko to make songs inspired by naive idealism even he found embarrassing in later years, and who had more family-oriented things to sing about.
John wasn't just great because he was a Beatle. He was great because he filmed his dick and because he did a nude album cover and because he looped a tape to say "number 9, number 9" and because he got wasted in Amsterdam and because he went off with Yoko and because he said "God is a concept by which we measure our pain". "Imagine" represents the version of Lennon you can show your children, which for an artist is cute but sorta boring.
John is dead -- LONG LIVE HIS MADNESS!



Thom Smith long ago (was it just a dream?), meant so much to me,means so much to me


life is hard,
but getting straight is worse,
i need to talk to someone soon,
to take away my drug life curse.
i long to talk to lennon,
and ask of his advice,
and even if he said the wrong thing,
i;d still think of it nice.
yoko your the closest one,
to ask john of his views,
and i;d be gratefull to talk to you,
to ease away my blues.

kevin sloan

John Lennon.... You will be greatly missed...


I realy miss someone like him. His music and history will be in my mind forever.


hello,this is a really good site, i love looking at all the photos of my icon john!i love john because he wasnt just an incredible artist,musician etc.he used his fame to protest for what is right in the world like peace and love and everything that matters!he wasnt one of those celebritys who used their fame to help themselves, he used it to help everybody especially people who needed it most.what id really like to say is thank you john and also thank you to the people that made this website.

cheers, becky

rebecca phillips

This is truly an amazing place. John as been my hero for over thity years. We all still miss him dearly. We can only dream of what wisdom and music, we have lost. His messages of peace and understanding are more relevent today, than when he first made them. Hope I can be as understanding to my fellow man as he was.
Love him and miss him.
  This is not Here

Imagine a world with no violence, no jelousey, no cruelty, no pain, no suffering, but just happiness. THEN welcome to mine and JOHNS world with love GOLDY

Alan Keith Goldstone

John lennon is the best thing that happend in my life i thank him for every echevement i have ever made . through his music it always felt like he was sitting here telling me storys about how the world should be thats y lennon is my idol 

Josh Cripps

John Lennon stood for peace and everything else. He stood up for what he belive in he wasent afraid to speak out!!!!!

Rachel Rachel

John Lennon is amazing. All you need to know is said right there. Peace and Love to you all.

Annie Love

Thank you for sharing this wonderful tribute to Mr. Lennon. Such a tragedy that he is not with us anymore. His music will live on in our souls with love.

Thank you also, for settling a cute argument. Celine Dion sang a song on the Oprah show called "Beautiful Boy". I knew that John Lennon wrote that one believed me. After going on your website, I saw it on one of the discs. Thank I know I'm not going crazy. That was a beautiful song....and he sang it from his heart. God bless you all.


I love John Lennon. He is the greatest. I was raised on the Beatles. My little brother is named Lennon after John Lennon. He is the GREATEST.


Peace is all in the mind. If every mind were at peace then the world would be a better place. So in reality there can never be true peace, every mind is different, that's what makes us what we are. It only takes two people to disagree, two disagreements can cause a WAR, (to be loved in this life, is all we need, nothin else matters)
Kevin Sadler

I am glad to see that his name is being honored.. it is sad that I wish I was born 30 years earlier so I could experience what so many took for granted. I am twenty, and I have seen more anger and hate in my own generation to set the next three. We are no longer free.. freedom was traded for corporate stocks and low end jobs. Now if I want to take a road trip, I have insurance, gas, countless bills.. freedom is doing what your heart wishes. Our new trend as people is to break others dreams to survive. I refuse to accept that.

                              A youth of this world - TWO

I was too young to remember john when he was in his prime but i have grown up listening to his music and always loved his message. I went to new york in february with my girlfriend and I went to his memorial in central park it was a special time for me, I'm an englishman like John and I think i know where he was coming from, he was a man before his time but what he taught lives on all these years later and will do for a long time to come. Thank You John.



Hi,I found this site after surfing google. What a highly inspiring and dedicated site.I really appreciated and say thank you for Keep up the great work online....! Greetings :- SEO Services.

Thank You BOTH for All That You ARE ALWAYS DOING.


HI!! I have admired your writing forever! Just to let you know. I'm sure you get this from a lot of people a lot. But I just wanted to say Hi and that you are the best of the best, phrases, songs and all. So, thanks for just taking the time to read this.

Chelsea McDonough

Lennon is the greatest thing to ever come out of music


Hey guys, I love the beatles!  John Lennon was a good man, to bad he got shot.  I am only thriteen, but I know good music when I hear it, and this is good music.


I cant really find the words to tell you what i think about John Lennon... his amazing. and if only he were alive right now, just think of all of the music he could made. It's so sad. Now, I wasn't born when the beatles were hot, I'm only 15 but ever since I was in 7th grade, I have been in love with the beatles, John u are a legend, and legends never die! U will live on in our hearts forever. His lyrics were nothing but the best. The beatles are my favorite band of all times and they always will be. 
In loving memory of John Lennon and George Harrison

Hi, my name is Veronica. I am from Mexico but right now I am in Canada with a friend from Germany that loves John Lennon just as much as YOU do. and I din't know who he was until she told me and made me love him too. I have only known an other person besides her that loves him. His name is Elvis, he is from Mexico too San Jose del Cabo 
"If anyone finds him in this site tell him I say hi and that i miss him........


I have always loved John Lennon and the beatles. I was little when they were popular but I remember my cousin having Beatles posters on her walls, so I guess u can say I grew up with the Beatles sort of but when he got killed I felt really bad and started my own scrap book that I still have today I always thought that the beatles and the guys themselves sang songs of love and peace from their hearts and I think that their songs will never die


I'm in love with John Lennon and I really don't know how I would have survived the last years without his music. It gives me so much strength, hope and peace that I can hardly explain it! I wish for peace and love, and for a world he would like!
Thank you so much for creating this great website for one of the greastest men ever!


Imagine all the people signing the guestbook!
I'm 13 years old and I like John Lennons music probably because I was brught up with it.
I sang Imagine for our school along with some other friends of mine.
It was very fun although I think I should probably stop talking about him and finding him interesting because I'm turning 14 I mean Jeez!
Maybe oneday when I'm older I'll listen to his music again, but he'll never stop being loved by his fans because he's a LEGEND! His name should be John LEGEND!

Kay de Jongh

Hi everybody. I'm a girl of 15 years old and when I look at the world, I only want to cry. The dream of John Lennon was so beautiful... I discovered him a few months ago and he's my idol. He was such a great man! Unfortunatly, he didn't have time to see his dream come true. That's why I think it's important to continu it, because it was the greatest dream , peace on Earth. When I'm really sad I sing Give peace a chance and Imagine. That make me feel that he's with me, like if he supports me. So plz everybody, make peace with everyone and don't fight any more, the planet is already in very bad condition...PEACE

Virginie Tittley

Happy New  Year Everyone, May Your Year Have Peace, 
Start the Year off with DEAR JOHN my Music/Video - please follow the link to Guests videos:
John We All Miss You and will ALWAYS

Paul Hone


Il sito è molto bello, fresco, spontaneo, ricco di suggestioni e di messaggi. Le foto della mostra sono splendide in quel bianconero così intenso e pacato. Grazie 

Giulio da Napoli

John Lennon ha sido y sera siempre el musico mas talentoso y genial de la historia musical.

Johnny Barboza Ortega

imagine ,all the world a birthday cake so take a piece but not too much, all the world is a strawbwrry field nothing is real(forever)   Marry Christmas &HAPPY MEW YEAR


I was five when I first saw John Lennon on Ed Sullivan. It was love at first sight. For the man, the music and the harmony he brought to my soul. Thank you for this site. John has been on my mind so much lately, a presence now at a point when we need peace and love so badly in this world. His spirit is here; his words steady; his message strong. Live forever, John. You will in all our hearts.

Karen Stephenson

Today, everything seems to be weak :
The Great Powers
The political parties,
The trade unions,
The couple,the family,the school,
The health,the work,
Your beliefs, your values,
And Our Hope...
..with the Hope and Wish to regain
a deeper and more shared sense of humanity
singing and celebrating John Lennon's Happy X-mas.

Mauro Verde

I came across this site by accident. It seems like just yesterday that we lost our John. This last week was a trying one. You may have heard of the passing of Darrell Abbott of Pantera and others. Well one of the 'others' was a dear friend of mine, Jeff Thompson known to the music and Renaissance scenes as Mayhem. They were killed on the same day that our dear John was assisinated. And like John it was a sick and demented self-titled 'fan'.  Thanks for providing a place for us to go. 

I have grown up listening to the magnificant songs of this wonderful beatle. He inspires me to continue persuing my musical career. I thank who ever set up this site, John Lennon's legacy will live forever!

Cristina Ochoa



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